Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can I Sleep With The Faja On?

When someone tells a story of success, at some point reach a tipping point where something happens after that things are not like before, because the explosion happened. This is the last thing done by "one who tries" before entering the world of "one who succeeds." Usually people tend to only see the second part, and assume that the successes come through a sort of predestination or natural talent. But it is not. There is a whole part of attempts, sufferings, trials, failures that nobody sees. To me, personally, has always impressed more this first part. Why is the part that we all experience every day. It 's the part of the hopes, dreams, projects. Whatever the reason that turns vision into reality, is that it is the fun part. All those who have achieved results, are nostalgic look back to that moment of transition. But what is the factor that may make the leap? I have only one answer: the courage. The Beatles were forced to arrange a song written by a professional author, was that that was to become their first hit. Their pieces were discarded. But in the recording studio came with "Please Please Me", which the manufacturer considered depressing, completely rebuilt. They insisted bravely. Have you done to try and have engraved. It is said that after a few attempts, George Martin has pressed the intercom button and he said "guys, you have just recorded your number one." And the rest is legend.
I do not know what your dreams, but surely depend on a courageous choice. I hope you can make them: the rest, for your life, you legend.

(C) Diego Agostini / Commitment 2011 - All Rights Reserved

in Photo: What magic moment in the studios of Abbey Road ... Elisa envy that, we walk past every day ... by the way: you are also legendary.


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