Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why Is Stool A Bit Chalky White?

Surfing between emotions

Thomas, a participant of my last class, during lunch the first day was stained with a drop of oil. Using water to solve the problem groped scored bell'alone a diameter of ten centimeters. We can understand his disappointment: he had, that night, hanging out with some friends and would not go home to change: 50 km to and were far too many. He decided to leave the same. All in all would go into a room not too alone to be enlightened and in spite of the evidence, constituted an advantage over the stain because it would be seen less.

"Once we decided to go out," Thomas told the second day of the course, "I never thought about the bush but I concentrated on my friends. In the spot I remembered once I came home and spent a nice evening .

Thomas has "surfed" from one reality to another. Its focus has shifted from one reality to negative emotionality (The spot) to a reality to positive emotionality (friends). The technique of

Transurfing Reality is in recognizing when an idea is having a negative emotion. That thought is like a wave that threatens to overwhelm. And in fact we would be overwhelmed if we remain firm, we will end up underwater. Our skill lies in slipping away, on another wave. Slip on a reality that produces a positive emotion.

try surfing. Just get the feel of a thought wave to negative emotionality shift your mind and your actions to another aspect of reality, which produces a positive emotion. You'll see: if you learn to not be standing there in front of the waves will find that you can surf, improve your life without unnecessary effort to change the reality.

(C) Diego Agostini / Commitment - All Rights Reserved


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