Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Symbols On The Side Of Pokemon Cards

Reverse the spiral of procrastination!

The spiral of procrastination works like this:

lowering mood causes procrastination, procrastination
causes lower self-esteem, self-esteem leads to the lowering of new lowering of mood, and so on.

In essence, the mood is more bass tend to procrastinate, the more it tends to defer more it changes the mood.

E 'need to reverse this trend. Here are some tips: 1

Council: if you were tired, rest.

Council 2: If the problem is not fatigue, could be an excessive perfectionism. Accept a lower quality for themselves.

Council 3: If the problem is not fatigue or perfectionism, might be discouraged by the lack of results. Finding a job that makes alternative to express their skills and give satisfaction.

Council 4 : If the problem is not fatigue, perfectionism, lack of results, you may perceive that the task too difficult or long. Break up tasks into more affordable.

Whatever the right advice for you, the important thing is to stop the spiral. The spiral is fed through the "don'ts", so to reverse it should instead do something. Once reversed the direction of the spiral of procrastination, here's what happens:

action determines the outcome, the result determines a higher mood, the mood higher self-esteem leads to higher, higher self-esteem leads to new action, and so on.

, if known, in this second spiral is an extra step, one that affects the action. That is why the positive spiral requires more energy ...

(C) Diego Agostini / Commitment 2010 - All Rights Reserved